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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Grey's Anatomy- Weigh in

Soooo....Grey's- The Musical? My vote is ehhhh. In all fairness, I was impressed that many of the actors could sing (read: not Ellen Pompeo), and I did not know that a couple of the actors are actually professional singers as well (read here). BIG HOWEVER, I really thought it was distracting. Next season is suppose to get better, but right now I am definitely not singing the praises of the musical episode of the ER drama. What did you all think?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Just because it is Monday

And we all need a happy song to start the day on a Monday. I love this Onerepublic song (yes, there is no space between one and republic). The message is it is going to be a good, good life. Who doesn't need that reminder at the start of the week?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Let me (re)introduce myself

My name is Kathy. I have a blog. I have been really bad at keeping up with it. But, let's not dwell on the past.

Sometimes you just need a reset button. This is mine.

I forgot how much I love to write here at CTK, and I really forgot how much I enjoy reading all of your blog posts.

So, I am back. Ready to update you on my life. Also, ready to write about whatever frivolous things come to mind such as decorating, music, clothes, you get the point. And even if it is frivolous, you know what, I won't feel bad chatting about it. After all, that's what I do- CHAT.

Nice to (re)meet you. Let's get this party (re)started.

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