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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Le Passport Drama Continued

Sooooo.... If you read my last post, you know about the passport sitch. Well, a fabulous little birdie that works on The Hill (not to be confused with The Hills) is helping me get an expedited passport. I overnighted the thing. I messed something up on the application. So, they overnighted it back. I had to stand in line at the post office for two hours, only to find that I needed a copy of the back of my driver's license. I sprinted a few blocks to the local library to make a copy, and I sprinted back. No one wanted to let me back in line b/c the passport station closed in 10 minutes. I begged. I almost cried. The guy working the station let me give him my application. I overnighted it back with another overnighted slip so they can mail it back. I realized that I didn't answer two questions. I seriously think I am not suppose to go to Japan. You all, this is seriously just a Cliff Notes version of my dia de la passport. I think I need anxiety meds. And will Chat Tea make it to Japan? Stay tuned....

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Konnichiwa FAIL

Have you ever been really mad at yourself? (I raise hand).

[Setting: Friday morning. I am walking to school. After 3 days of discussing a spontaneous trip to Japan (I know, crazy), Kyle finally found the perfect flights.]

As Kyle was about to hit the "confirm" button on the two plane tickets for my last spring break, he asks, "This may be a stupid question, but before I confirm, is your passport up-to-date?"

Me: "Ummmmm." (I suddenly remember that I have not seen my passport since my post-graduation trip. over.three.years.ago.)

I realize this makes me look like a huge airhead. I don't know what I was thinking (or better yet, not thinking). I came home and immediately searched my room file folder by file folder, paper, by paper. I stayed up till 4am last night checking every nook and cranny in my room. I came up empty handed.

I contemplated paying for one of those rush passport services. Then, the plane ticket prices went up. I AM SO MAD AT MYSELF. How did I misplace my passport? Maybe this is a sign that I need to support the American economy during spring break.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cough. Cough. Sneeze.

That's pretty much what I look like right now. Well, switch the head board color to my hair color and make the moon blanket a Gator snuggie. I am actually feeling better after 80 hours of sleep yesterday- part of it due to a car that wouldn't start. Oh the joys. I have to act in a skit tonight at a big lawyerly thing. Wish me luck!

Photo courtesy of http://s259.photobucket.com/albums/hh297/kbroglio/?action=view&current=sick-girl_032909.jpg&newest=1

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What is my problem?

I cannot seem to get it together blogwise. I have like 5 posts in the hopper, all saved as drafts, and I cannot commit. I am getting a super duper blog makeover soon from Jessica at The Love List so I am hoping that will keep me motivated. I mean it's not like Miss Chatty over here ever runs out of things to say. I think I am experiencing a general lack of motivation. I blame 2nd semester of 3L year.

Photo courtesy of http://woldfitness.com

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Friend in Need

A sorority sister and friend of mine needs your help. Her name is Jessica. She is an absolutely fantastic person-beautiful on the inside and out. I preface this next statement by using the transition, "unfortunately," but this is no reflection of Jessica's attitude: she is extremely sun-shinin' positive. Unfortunately, Jessica has Cystic Fibrosis.

She has been nothing but optimistic through this whole journey, and I want to do something to help. She is raising money because she needs a double lung transplant. I know right now is a tough time for a lot of people. However, if you find yourself in a place where you can help, please visit her website. That's all I ask. Thank you all so much.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Better Late Than...

Well, you know the saying. I promised some photos from my last Christmas break (ever). I had a lot of fun in my almost 4 weeks off from school. I was a little too spoiled because it was incredibly hard to come back. Oh well, here I am a month later, finishing my.last.semester.of.law.school (!!!) I also included some pictures from the fun, fabulous wedding I was in two weekends ago. Have a great week.

Gabe's Graduation. I love this photo in the Swamp.

Out at Gator City after the grad festivities. Kyle and I ran into our friend from Jax.

Me and Pop Pop at Gabe's delish grad dinner.

Watching the bowl game on our front lawn. My bro set up the projector and screen.

New Year's Eve in Ft. Lauderdale with high school friends.

Me & MG at the Phins/Steelers game. MG as a Steelers fan. M
e as a Phins fan (embarrassingly so).

Some of my dearest friends and sorority sisters at M's rehearsal dinner.

Me and Kyle @ M and D's wedding. Such a fun time. I even danced out at the reception to Miley Cyrus, Party in the USA! Lawnmower/sprinkler much?

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