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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Talk Twitter to Me

My friend "R" sent this video to me (see below). The end is pretty ridiculous, but the beginning is hysterical. As a twitter newbie, I find myself a little obsessed. This obsession exists mainly because reading tweets is like reading a real time celebrity gossip magazine, and as I have shamefully admitted before, I am a celebrity gossip junkie. I will defend twitter all day long, but if you really think about it, it is pretty obnoxious. Many of you probably did not even have to think about it to reach that conclusion. Why do I feel the need to keep the world updated with my life on an hourly(ish) (and for some people minutely/secondly) basis? Completely aware of the foolishness of the whole thing, I will contently continue my twitter existence. In the meantime, enjoy the video.

Tweet. Tweet.


PINGIN said...
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Meggie said...

I just signed up on Twitter ... I blame you for this.

Simply Me said...

OMG your blog is so cute!!! New follower :)

Unknown said...

I think "R" needs a better name!! I'll get to thinking . . . (about that and civil procudure)

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