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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Vino errr... Tasting (?)

D&Me, K8, PJ, and I went to a wine tasting this past weekend at Winestyles. We have been talking about doing this forever so I think we were a little too excited. Tasting, Schmasting. It was closer to a party.

Just to get a visual:

So, there we were on wine # 5-the final red-when, the owner, Robert, reaches down and pulls the Hope Diamond out of the Smithsonian wine chiller. Behold:

It is crazy because for something that is 15% alcohol, it tastes EXACTLY LIKE CHOCOLATE MILK (with a kick). I brought it to a dinner party that night, but alas, K8 discovered its most legitimate purpose- DESSERT. We poured it on a little vanilla gelato, namely:

Talenti, by the way, is amazing in its own right. We had this combo over D&Me's house while watching Saturday night football. True story: It was so amazing, that even baby Ellis in her Georgia cheerleader uniform enjoyed! I didn't judge. (I mean the cheerleading uniform, not the indulgence). And neither should you.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Godson

I know everyone thinks their child/nephew/niece/grandchild/godchild etc. is the cutest, and they probably are. I am just saying, how cute is he?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Game Day Brat

It's Game Day again for this girl. This is one of the benefits of attending post-undergrad school in a football town. Here's to football, tailgating, and teachers who cancel classes for the first two!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I did not join Facebook to read your club promo.

To all my promoter friends/"friends" on Facebook. I just can't take it anymore. Please see the following:

ABCDEFG invited you to AWESOMENESS AT HAPPY HOUR IN SOUTH BEACH!!!@@@@@ $5 wells/ so and so CONTEST!!!!!! PRIZES for the best so and so!!!!!

HIJKLMNOP invited you to FaT nIgHtS @ XYZ Club. $10 cover. All YOU CAN DRINK!!!! Hosted by DJ So and So.

QRSTUVWXY invited you to LADIES DRINK FREE ALL NIGHT!!! No cover if you WeaR WHITE!!

This is wrong on so many levels. To start, YOU ARE INFILTRATING MY INBOX. I may login to Facebook hmmm...bout once a week. However, you still manage to slam your way into my daily routine once you hit my Gmail Facebook alerter thingy. Next, I love exclamation marks, but usually one-at-a-time. I have been known to add two or three, but there is a standard (read: I better be pretty flipping excited). Your happy hour in South Beach doesn't met the requisite state of exclamatory response. And related to the amount in a single use is the frequency. If you exclaim everything, you exclaim nothing. Finally, you are not performing. If this was my improv comedian, trapeze flying, or opera singing of a friend (whom I have yet to meet), then I am more than happy to hear about your performance. I may even get crazy and promote it myself.

Otherwise, I may just have to go ahead and do the unspeakable. UNFRIEND you. Not that you probably care being that I have not seen you since middle school (and that was almost 15 yrs ago). Good luck with your endeavors, but please leave my living-in-a-state-9-hours-north-of-you self be. I couldn't attend anyway. My pilot is on permanent vacation.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Orange and Blue and Glenn Close

What a great time in Gainesville. The game may have been a little too close for comfort, but at least Lane Kiffin walked away from The Swamp with a well justified pouty face. I walked away with an orange pom pom. Kyle walked away without his shirt and glasses. I win.

In college football fashion news, my new blog friend Mrs. Dandy posted this link for game day dresses. Whether you bleed orange and blue, garnet and gold, or even (gulp) red and black, this website is the next best thing since Sweet Tea Vodka.

And we all know that is a pretty tough standard to meet.

And unrelated to college football, I am excited to report that Glenn Close won an Emmy for Damages.

AWESOME. This show is my absolute favorite (with multiple reality t.v. shows coming in a close second), and I cross my fingers after every season that FX will keep bringing the magic. Apparently, Damages is not coming back until Jan. this year. Tragic. I may not be a network executive, but I think this scheduling decision is a bad one. I guess my 24 DVDs will have to keep me and K8 occupied for now.

Have a great night!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Let's just agree to disagree.

Dearest Lady Gaga:

I love you. A lot. I just have to ask you a pressing question: WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU THINKING? I know you hold the ol’ statement via fashion in high regard, but just what exactly are you trying to say? I think people have been committed to mental wards for less than this:

Apparently, just ask Mischa Barton.

I will not hold it against you too long. I am still planning my Lady Gaga Halloween costume. But my friends and family alike can rest assured. I will not be wearing anything resembling this:

I mean, people may think I am Mufasa, or worst yet, my front door (wreath sold separately). I am just going to go ahead and say this is where we diverge. Kayne West may have (very) inappropriately stolen the show, but this VMAs was full of noteworthy moments. You, my dear, are at the top of that list.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Charlotte Rendezvous

I am going to Charlotte tomorrow morning on a shopping spree with J. I really have no business doing this because I have a TON of stuff to do. However, fall is approaching and I am in dire need of new fall clothes. Priorities, people. I really like Columbia, but I do hate that I have to drive 1.5 hours to go to a decent mall. Great malls is something I definitely miss about South Florida. I may even bring a cooler and load up at Trader Joe's.

Isn’t Traders the best grocery store ever? $3 wine? Don’t mind if I do.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wish it was still (lack of ) Labor Day

I had a great, great time in Florida. The Old Key Lime House was definitely my kind of crazy Gator bar.

I cannot wait for next weekend when I will be traveling back to Gainesville for a college friends reunion (and UF v. UT game). Thank goodness my brother is still there for the semester because the hotels have been sold out for months now. What am I going to do next football season?

In other news, I just have to share this:

Yes, this bottle is from the 1980s. Yes, this exact bottle, not just the design. I understand that this sounds disgusting. I wash my hair every day(ish). But some peeps have oily hair and that’s where Pssssst comes in. Dry shampoo is all the rage, but they usually cost between $30-50. If you are interested in dry shampoo, this little diddy only costs $5.00 and is available at RiteAid, Walgreens, CVS, etc. Just try it. It may save your life.

Have a great day!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Beach Bound

TGIF and TG for no Friday classes. I am flying home to South Florida for Labor Day weekend. I hope this weekend is filled with tons of beach time. God knows this pale girl needs it. I am extra excited because KK, a long time Best Friend of mine, flew in from New York last night. It will be a reunion for my high school friends. We are fortunate to have a group that has kept in touch through the years (even with all the DRAMA).

Tonight, Kyle and I are having dinner with my parents, and then it's off to North Palm Beach to spend the weekend with friends.

On Saturday, we are hitting the Old Key Lime House to watch the Gator game. I love this place, but I have never been there to watch the Gators play. I heard it gets PRETTY wild.

On Sunday, the guys are throwing a draft party at their house. Football season really is the most wonderful time of the year. Let the games begin...

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